EMU Group S.p.A. +39 075 874021|info@emu.it
Arik Levy
Arik LevyDesigner
Artist, technician, photographer, designer, video artist, Levy’s skills are multi-disciplinary and his work can be seen in prestigious galleries and museums worldwide.
Chiaramonte • Marin
Chiaramonte • MarinDesigner
The passion for objects meant as industrial products is the glue of the professional partnership between Alfredo Chiaramonte and Marco Marin, promoting partners of the homonymous Designstudio.
Christophe Pillet
Christophe PilletDesigner
Lucidity of expression and the search for simplicity are the key principles: in the work of Christophe Pillet the elegance is optimized.
Jean-Marie Massaud
Jean-Marie MassaudDesigner
Graduated from the ENSCI in 1990, Jean-Marie Massaud has run a quest for synthesis, reduction and lightness since his first intuitions.
Jean Nouvel
Jean NouvelDesigner
Jean Nouvel was born on 12 August 1945 in Fumel, a city located in southeast France.
Lucidi • Pevere
Lucidi • PevereDesigner
Paolo Lucidi (1974) Luca Pevere (1977) Graduated at the Politecnico di Milano in Industrial Design. They collaborated with important design studios in Milan working directly on projects for many companies.
Paola Navone
Paola NavoneDesigner
Paola Navone was born in Turin but works in Milan as architect, designer, art director, interior designer and exhibitions and events curator.
Patricia Urquiola
Patricia UrquiolaDesigner
Patricia Urquiola was born in Oviedo (Spain) and now lives and works in Milan. She attended the School of Architecture of Madrid Polytechnic and Milan Polytechnic where she graduated in 1989 with Achille Castiglioni.
Samuel Wilkinson
Samuel WilkinsonDesigner
Samuel Wilkinson set up his industrial studio at the end of 2007 and a year later, in 2008, Wilkinson completed his largest work, co-designing L’arbre de Flonville in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Stefan Diez
Stefan DiezDesigner
Diez introduction to furniture design started in 1991 when for three years he worked as a cabinet maker.
Aldo Ciabatti
Aldo CiabattiDesigner
He graduated in 1956 from the Margaritone Institute in Arezzo. He has been studying marketing since 1964, while designing armchairs, sofas, chairs and tables. He is a visionary and believes in the business.
Gargano • Cristell
Gargano • CristellDesigner
Emanuel Gargano est né à Assisi, en Ombrie (Italie), où il achève sa formation créative et sentimentale et où il demeure encore, malgré les nombreuses expériences qui l’emmènent souvent dans plusieurs
Florent Coirier
Florent CoirierDesigner
Born in Nantes in 1983, he lives and works in Paris. After graduating from design at ENSAAMA Olivier de Serres, he spent three years in England in order to specialize with a Bachelor of Design
Sebastian Herkner
Sebastian HerknerDesigner
Sebastian Herkner (born 1981) studied Product Design at HfG Offenbach University of Art and Design.
Patrick Norguet
Patrick NorguetDesigner
Patrick Norguet approaches objects and design from a graphical perspective. Since childhood, he has preferred sketchbooks to textbooks, filling them up with sketches and drawings.
Andreucci & Hoisl
Andreucci & HoislDesigner
A deep friendship and shared vision of the project based on the study of the synthesis between form and function, is what underlies the collaboration between Alessandro Andreucci and Christian Hoisl.
Angeletti • Ruzza
Angeletti • RuzzaDesigner
With their view of design which is ethical, understandable and close to individuals, Silvana Angeletti and Daniele Ruzza produce items which are essential and able to survive over time.
Martin Drechsel
Martin DrechselDesigner
Martin Drechsel is a German & Swiss industrial designer. Extensive experience & a global mindset come from living & working with industrial design consultancies
Pio & Tito Toso
Pio & Tito TosoDesigner
Brothers, born in Venice in 1973 and 1971. They graduated in architecture in Venice in 1998. In 1996 they opened the PIO&TITOTOSO design studio.
LCM Marin design studio
LCM Marin design studioDesigner
The search for Balance between form, function, materials, constructive needs, curiosity and experimentation are the distinctive traits of the creative process that brings to life the projects of the Venetian LCM MARIN Design Studio.